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Share Your Content, Enjoy Special Moments, Meet Interesting People, and Get Paid!

Welcome to BIGO LIVE, an intuitive live-streaming social network app designed to connect you to other influencers, content creators, and online personalities across the globe. Go live and join our 28 million monthly active users, where you can create a community, share your interests, and make new friends.

Stream in Style – Nothing kills a vibe worse than going live without a following. But on BIGO LIVE, you’ll always roll with a posse. You can stream and watch other users at the same time, and if you’re a host, you can even make money in the process, with options for donations, gifts, and more.

Go Global – BIGO LIVE’s presence is worldwide. Maybe even interplanetary. Stream your content to users across the globe, connecting with new cultures, ideas, and media never before seen.

Redefining Social Networks – Leave other social media apps where they belong: in the past. BIGO LIVE is a revolutionary app that lets you stream content, build a community of peers and influencers, and amass a following. No other social network lets you connect like we do.


Maybe you’re more of a solo artist. We’ve got you covered. Go live and broadcast directly to your friends and fan-base, with no distractions. Got a new song you want to perform? Maybe a new dance you want trending? Try out single live, where all eyes are on you.


Solo performances may seem a little boring. Link up with other members of your crew and make it a party. With Multi-Live, you can group stream to your collective fan-base, or host a private room for a more secure interaction. Either way, it’s bound to be a good time.

Match & PK

Maybe you’re tired of the group drama and want to make new friends. BIGO LIVE can help you randomly connect with strangers from a host of different countries. Chat or start a PK. Either way, we’re certain this will be the start of a beautiful friendship.

Game Streaming

BIGO LIVE takes gaming to the next level, hooking you up with streams of all the big-name titles, like Minecraft, League, and more. Whether you’re a speed runner, completionist, or an amateur, there’s a place for you in this community.

Giving Gifts

What’s a friendship if you can’t show some love? On BIGO LIVE, there’s a never-ending treasure trove of gifts you can give or receive from broadcasters and fans alike. The best part? Trading gifts gets you points to level up. Level up enough and get more exposure. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Are you ready to kickstart your journey?


Glad you’re in. BIGO LIVE is basically made up of two groups within one community: hosts and viewers.

Hosts: If you’re a host, you’re here to showcase your talent. Becoming a host is simple. Just register under an agency and attend a 45-minute virtual audition. Don’t be nervous – you’re going to be great. At this audition, you will talk a little bit about your interest and showcase your talent. Then, boom. Host status. Hosts get paid based on the number of beans in their wallet at the end of each month (more on that in a second).

Viewers: Ah, viewers. The lifeblood of our community. Anyone can be a viewer, and all you have to do is maintain a fully charged account. How, you ask? Simple. Viewers recharge their account by collecting diamonds. Diamonds are used as an in-app currency to purchase gifts for hosts. Gifts can be converted to beans, which hosts use to get paid for their work.

Easy enough, right? Okay, so you’re probably wondering what the best ways are to get gifts as a host. Here are some ideas to start you off (but you didn’t hear these from us):


  • Livehouse – This is a great tool to identify your true talents and share them with the world. The better your content, the more hardcore your following. And the better the following, the better your exposure.
  • Heat List – Views turn into gifts, which turn into fame. Have your core following tap the screen during one of your streams to increase your status on the “heat list”. This will dramatically broaden your reach to new viewers.
  • Personality – Be yourself, and let your unique talents shine through! Give the world something it’s never seen before and watch your following grow!
  • Quantity and Collaboration – More content means more viewers. And the best way to get your content seen is through collaboration with other influencers. Use them as your network of mentors and rise through their ranks in no time!

What are you waiting for?

Hop into the spotlight on BIGO LIVE today!